Exclusive AJ Kirby Short Story Online Now: ‘The Side Effect of Yeah-Yeah Pills’

Posted: January 12, 2013 in Other Writing by AJ Kirby

My new speculative fiction yarn, ‘The Side Effect of Yeah-Yeah Pills’ is now available to read online, exclusively and free, on the Perihelion Science Fiction website.

You can read the story in full here.

Screenprint Side Effect

And here’s an extract:

“I SQUIRMED IN MY seat. Tried to ride out the wave of cramps in my stomach. They’d said the side effects of the pills would last a few weeks, that was all, but I was still feeling them months into my stay. Far as I could tell, none of the others felt like this and sometimes, in the longest and darkest nights, I wondered whether they’d spiked me with a different batch. Certainly they seemed to have issued me with more of the pills than anyone else. I rattled when I walked now, and sometimes, when I ran my tongue over my molars, I could still taste the acrid powderiness of my daily dosage.

A loud growl emanated from my stomach. It was followed by a series of bubbling, plopping noises which brought to mind a stone being skipped over a lake. There aren’t any lakes up here, but that’s what the sound was like all the same. This is a tic I have. All of my metaphors and my similies remain Earth-based.”

To read more AJ Kirby Science Fiction, why not try my novel, Perfect World?

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