Archive for the ‘Coming Soon’ Category

Wild Wolf Publishing have confirmed the exact release date for my new novel I am going outside and may be some time. It’ll hit the stores on 27 July 2018. It’s a date which has been momentous throughout history. According to Wikipedia in 1054, Siward, Earl of Northumbria invaded Scotland and defeated Macbeth, King of Scotland, somewhere near the Firth of Forth. In 1890, Vincent van Gogh shot himself. He would die two days later. In 1930, Shirley Williams, the British politician and academic was born. Around 55 years later she would stay at our house. In 1960, the American singer-songwriter Conway Savage was born. He never stayed at our house. In 1974, The House of Representatives voted to impeach Richard Nixon after the Watergate scandal. On 27 July last year, the American playwright Sam Shepard died, but this year, there’ll be a literary event of a different magnitude/ gravity.

So remember to look the book up on Amazon on this famous day in history. Cheers!


social mediaFind out more about my new novel (due out at the end of the month) using your usual social media channels. There’ll be freebies, competitions, and sneak previews all the way up to publication day. Here’s how you can get involved:

Search Twitter for #outsidenovel

or follow @ajkirbyauthor



Outside Chapter 1

Outside Chapter 1 p2


Hello again. Just wanted to drop by to alert you to an opportunity. Before the release of my new novel I am just going outside… in late July, I’m looking for five volunteers to provide an early review of the book (on your own blogs/ websites/ social media pages, as well as on Amazon, once the book is up on the site).

It’ll be on a first-come, first-served basis, and I’ll be sending you an electronic version (either .mobi, which works on Kindle, or .pdf – let me know which you prefer in an email to the following address:

andrewkirby 92 (at) (please remove spaces and replace at with @).


Outside smaller


Spry logo

Hi all. Thought you might want to take a peek at an interview I’ve just done with Spry Lit. It mostly covers a short story I had published with them (‘The Siege’) but also strays into some interesting talk about the makings of short stories and the particular ingredients I used for this one. It also looks forward to the publication of my new novel I am just going outside… which is slated for elease by Wild Wolf Publishing at the end of July. For those of you who aren’t writers, it may make for enlightening reading.

You can read the piece here. Scroll down for my bit… It looks like this:

Spry Interview


Drumroll please… I’m delighted to be able to give y’all a sneak preview of the cover of my new novel, I am just going Outside… which will be released VERY SOON (watch this space) by Wild Wolf Publishing. The cover has been designed by a fellow author from the Wild Wolf stable (or should that be den?) – Poppet (author of Seithe) and I’m absolutely delighted by the job she’s done…


Hi folks. Long time no speak. Just thought I’d drop by to let you know that my 147th published short story is going to be ‘Human Safari’, which has been accepted by Bandit Fiction. Watch this space for details of when you’ll be able to read it, and how.

Check out this link for more information on Bandit Fiction.




Handily-placed Newcastle-based indie publishers Palm-Sized Press have picked up (using a pincer-grip) not one but two of my short stories to be published by  in the ‘Retrospective’ issue of their zine. ‘Swallowing the Evidence’, and ‘The Pacemaker’ will both feature, so let’s have a round of applause, please.

Details of publication date and how to pre-order copies to follow.

Palm-Sized Press’s website is here:

Mountebanks coverNow then. I’ve been giving this the get ready drum-roll for quite some time now, but I can finally confirm we’re very close to the publication date for this one… After all, we have a cover image (left) and a price-point now! Anyway, I’m pleased to announce that coming very, very soon now: my story ‘A Couple Rough Beasts Slouching into this Burg or that’, featuring in the brilliant new anthology Wordland 7: Mountebanks will be RELEASED INTO THE WILD.

This blurby-type text pilfered from Terry Grimwood’s Facebook post:

“Never give a sucker an even break…It’s coming very soon. WORDLAND 7: MOUNTEBANKS Edited by Allen Ashley. Cover art by the very talented Faye Reynolds. Guaranteed (terms and conditions do not apply) to cure baldness, the common cold and sundry ailments. Not only will it alleviate arthritis, fight flu, make the pallid peachy and the wan wonderful, it boosts vitality and has been SCIENTIFICALLY proven to PROLONG youth and even life itself!

Don’t just take our word for it, here are some GENUINE testimonials from happy customers. Mr G from Hertfordshire. “I have to say that since receiving my copy of WORDLAND 7, there’s a spring in my step and a twinkle in my eye. And I know that I will never go bald.”

And Mr A from North London says “Not since Lily the Pink’s Medicinal Compound have I found something to be so efficacious in every case.” There you have it folks. WORDLAND 7: MOUNTEBANKS will ONLY cost you £3.99. Not £2 or even £3, but a paltry £3.99!!!! can you afford to be without it?”

Remember Mr. Shake Hands Man on BANZAI? (If you don’t, here’s a link: Well, my new short story which has been accepted for publication by Avis Magazine (details below) isn’t based on that, but the title sounds similar… It’s a story called ‘Shaking Hands with Myself’. Watch this space for information as to how you can read the story once it is published.

Avis Magazine

Avis Magazine is a publication run by MA students at Manchester Metropolitan University.  ‘Shaking Hands with Myself’ answered their call for submissions of stories focusing on the theme of influence.  You can read more about the magazine here.